Meet Elsa Wadsworth!
Elsa Wadsworth is a Helenistic Astrologist can can do your personalized reading or readings for your group. She also has over 10 years and 1,500 teaching hours of yoga. She is trained in Ashtanga style yoga which is the grandfather of vinyasa, flow, power, hot and bikram yoga. She also studies Iyengar yoga.
Elsa can work with your group at Joten Lake Retreat Center to plan a day or a weekend of rejuvenating activities for you physical and mental well being including:
Helenistic Astrology
Crystal Bowls Playing / Healing (in photo)
Breath Work
Astrological Readings
Crystal Healings (see photo)
Card Reading
Guided journaling and inner reflection work
She runs daily or multi day workshops at Joten Lake for private groups.

Plan your visit
Elsa can be reached at elsasastrology@gmail.com
To host a private retreat please contact Alison Tomlinson to discuss planning the perfect stay at jotenlake@gmail.com